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- La Galerie Paris 1839
For years, Marie Florence Gros and Cyril Delettre have shared the same passion for art, especially photography. They also have been working together combining successfully their skills and creative minds to build several artistic projects including text and photography exhibitions as well as short movies.
Coming to Hong Kong, the 2 founders have been totally seduced by the energy that drives the city. They then decided to share with the public their passion and expertise opening a new gallery, right in the heart of the Asian art scene.
The gallery aims to be one of the first art spaces that focuses on high standard art photography and prints in Hong Kong.
Why 1839 ?
Photography has had a real development as an art media in the entire world for the last decades.
The idea of photographs as a cultural media was born in 1839, when the French government bought the patent of Daguerre to «offer it to the world». However, it took one century for photography to be recognised as art pieces. Nowadays, photographs are displayed in all museums around the world and auctions exploded in the last ten years.