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The Story of A 50-Year-Icon: Circles Through Time

The Story of a 50-Year Icon: Circles through Time

2 November 2023 - 4 January 2024



Jardine Matheson and Hongkong Land celebrate the 50th anniversary of Jardine House – the first skyscraper in Hong Kong and the tallest building in Asia when completed in 1973 – with twin exhibitions and guided tours.

The exhibition titled The Story of a 50-Year Icon: Circles through Time will allow the public to explore the historical evolution of Jardine House, and learn of the building’s pivotal role in shaping the development of modern Central and its strong influence on the Hong Kong community and architectural landscape. Seventeen collections and a series of rare photographs from the Hongkong Land Corporate Archives will also be on public display for the first time. In conjunction, celebrated artist anothermountainman (Stanley Wong) was also invited to curate the exhibition JH 50 >> Jardine House 50th anniversary and forward/ a photo essay by anothermountainman. This photo essay exhibition located on the G/F of Jardine House uncovers the stories of Jardine House and the Hong Kong community through distinctive photographic perspectives and authentic human stories.

As a renowned landmark overseeing the Victoria Harbour, it has been at the heart of Hong Kong’s unchanged position as an international business and financial centre for half a century. Jardine House is a part of the collective memory of Hongkongers, having evolved alongside them. This exhibition revisits the iconic skyscraper’s journey and reiterates Jardine Matheson’s unwavering commitment to the long-term sustainable growth of our businesses and communities in Hong Kong.”

First Public Display of Collections from Hongkong Land Corporate Archives

Located on the 1/F of Jardine House, The Story of a 50-Year Icon: Circles through Time showcases a series of rare photographs and exhibits that recapture the interesting history of this iconic skyscraper and its role in the story of Hong Kong. On public display for the first time are seventeen collections comprising of panoramic portraits of the building, design sketches, posters, and community event chronicles selected by the Hongkong Land Corporate Archives.

Evolving alongside Jardine House

Jardine House continues to transform and adapt alongside the evolution of Hongkong Land and Jardine Matheson as both organisations continue their commitment to delivering long-term value to stakeholders and communities. Putting sustainability at the heart of the business, Hongkong Land invests approximately US$50-100 million annually to continually revitalise and upgrade its properties in Central including Jardine House, to meet the growing expectations of its tenants and the community for green buildings and sustainable development. Sustainability efforts at Jardine Matheson, fall under the three pillars of climate, responsible consumption, and social inclusion.

One such example of living these key pillars is the annual Walk Up Jardine House charity event – an initiative that has been giving back to the community since 1985, raising over HK$50 million over the years for mental health.

In addition to the public exhibitions, a series of special free guided tour events will be held from now through December. Members of the public are welcome to visit Jardine House and other iconic buildings in Central to learn more about the story and history behind the development of Hongkong Land.


2 November 2023
4 January
Event Category:

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